Nutrition And Food Sensitivity Counsel, Acupuncturists, Lung And Urinary And Digestive Disorders, Meridian Cupping / Meridian Scrapping, Exercise, Lung & Urinary & Digestive Disorders, Skin Problems And Sleep Disorder And Stress, Sciatica And Whiplash - Without Needles, Acupuncture, Holographic Meridian Therapy, Facelift And Weight Control And Stroke, Neck/shoulder/back/foot Pains, Assessment Of Health Condition, Vision Problems, Chinese Herb Remedy, Hormone Inbalance, Headaches And Allergy And Neuralgia Arthritis, Menopause Infertility, Paralysis And Bell Palsy, Muscular Atrophy-multiple Sclerosis
Ms. Tian's principles and philosophy are: Highest professional standards and care and respect for the patients. Her goal is to obtain at least 95% of success. Chinese Medicine and ...more...See more text
Electrolysis is the most effective and established method of permanent hair removal for all hair types. You can now eliminate the tedious task of waxing, shaving, tweezing, bleachi...more...See more text
Access Consciousness Bars Practioner, Access Consciousness, Access Body Process Practitioner, Access Bars Classes, Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator, Reiki – Level 2, Electrolysis, Reconnective Healing, Quick Pulse, Craniosacral Therapy, Holistic Health Care
A lifelong believer in alternative medicine and holistic healing, I became involved in Energy modalities in my search for personal relief from chronic muscle tension in my neck and...more...See more text
Live a healthy life with Stratford Health & Wellness Centre. Located in Stratford, we specialize in performance optimization. We offer massage therapy, electro therapy, kinesio t...more...See more text
Appointments are recommended, and recieve firstpriority, so call today to book yours! If available, walk ins are welcome. Occassionally we are thrilled to host Kerri Lynn Shellhorn...more...See more text
This is without a doubt the best Pagen/Wiccan store I have ever been in, friendly service, amazing products and TONES of informational books, will definitely be spending a lot of time and money there, lolRead more
Physiotherapy, Orthotics, Naturopathic Medicine, Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Prenatal, Pediatrics, Breastfeeding, Family Care
Chiropractic care ranges from natural symptom relief to high level wellness; from being pain free to feeling great, for newborns to seniors. Your spinal health is so vital for your...more...See more text
Registered Massage Therapists, Holistic Health Care
Since 1985, Brendemuehl Barbara, Registered Massage Therapist and Professional Bowen Practitioner, has provided clients throughout Kitchener with pain and stress management therapy...more...See more text
For those seeking a holistic approach to wellness and improving your overall health - visit Ana Franolic Reflexology.
Ana is a REGISTERED Reflexologist in the Kitchener Waterloo ...more...See more text
Very clean ,professional reflexology session. Ana explained everything as what to expect very well. The ambience was soothing and most importantly the reflexology session was wonderfully relaxing. I would highly recommend.Read more
Digestive Health, Allergies, Children's Health, Cancer Care, Anti-Aging, Energy, Fertility, Weight Loss, Pain Management, Mental Health/Mood Disorders, Hormone Balancing
We take the time to listen and hear your health concerns in order to apply medical solutions that will work for you. Our holistic, supportive, patient-centered approach to healthca...more...See more text
The setting is unique and very beautiful! There is a calmness to Lisa's treatment room. I relaxed in every way as soon as I entered. Lisa's hands treated my feet expertly during my REFLEXOLOGY session. I have experienced reflexology by another practitioner. The result of Lisa's treatment was divine! My whole body released its tightness and I felt such joy! Thanks Miss Lisa.Read more