Amazing !!! Healing abilities highly recommend . He is kind and caring and humble .
He has helped me so much . His prices and skill can not be beat . He is a healer and so peaceful .Read more
Acupuncture, Acupuncture Injection, Ozone Therapy Cleansing, Feng Shui, Cancer Holistic Healing, High Blood Pressure, Facial & Limb Paralysis, Frozen Shoulder, Neck & Back
Located in Gibsons, BC. Treat chronic pains, injuries & offer alternative treatments for health illness.
Specialized: Cancer Holistic Healing, High Blood Pressure, Facial & Limb Pa...more...See more text
Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, Pain Relief, Acupuncture, Cupping, Chinese Herbs, Electroaccupuncture, Acupuncturist
Mrs Wang is a registered Acupuncturist and a registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbalist in BC Canada. She is also a member of the Canada B.C. Qualified Acupuncturists and Tr...more...See more text