Hints to help you (re)start an outdoor running routine

October 13, 2015

Whether you're new to the sport or simply stopped last winter and haven't yet restarted, there are many reasons to get into an outdoor running routine – apart from the obvious health benefits. Here are some hints to help you get into the swing of things.

Hints to help you (re)start an outdoor running routine

Find your motivation

Like any exercise program, there are numerous excuses people give for why they stopped a running regimen.

  • The real reason is usually tied to motivation. Positive aspects are overshadowed by larger claims such as lack of time or true progress.
  • To avoid that type of let down, set moderate goals, and remind yourself why you started in the first place.
  • Do you want to help your favourite charity through a run? Visualize it, and watch how quickly you get there. In a few short weeks, running can become a routine part of life.

Get started

While it might be tempting to lace up and go for long distance sprint right out of the gate, it's best to start slow.

  • Mix running with walking and increase the ratio to favour running each week. Helpful plans are available that outline good step-by-step ways to make this happen.
  • Running friends are outstanding for their support, and they can tilt the odds more in your favour, as well.
  • Don't fall into the habit of running only when you're in the mood. Make a schedule and follow it.
  • Remember to stick with the plan. Going too far too fast can lead to an injury.
  • Early injuries can cause a loss of motivation as well as hesitation for getting back on track.
  • Far more progress will come in the long run by taking the time to make sure your body is up to the task.
  • Shoes are also vital to your success. Don't shy away from picking a running-specific shoe that fully supports your feet and ankles.

Have fun

Enjoy yourself. Otherwise, the sport will become a drag and you'll lose interest quickly.

  • Pick a route that is best for you. Whether starting on a track or a treadmill, or running around your neighbourhood, choose what interests you most.
  • Unless going for tranquillity and quiet, select fun music to listen to as you run. Be patient, since results will not be immediately noticeable in the mirror or on the scale.
  • Changes come in time, but you'll be surprised at how soon you start to feel better both during and after a good run.
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