The fashionista's guide to a stylish wardrobe

July 28, 2015

Success with today's fashion relies more on individual style than a big bank balance. A different approach to what you already own can be just as effective as a shopping spree — and more satisfying.

The fashionista's guide to a stylish wardrobe

Make realistic choices

  • Common sense should be your first guideline. Before buying anything new, think about your lifestyle and select only items you'll wear often enough to justify the purchase.
  • Make sure any additions will complement what you already own, choosing fabrics and styles that are easy to wear and maintain for maximum versatility.
  • As a rule, try not to choose fabrics that need dry cleaning. This is especially true of garments that will need frequent cleaning.

The best fabrics for your look

  • You may prefer the look and feel of pure cotton, but buying a cotton blend will save you time or money as you won't have to iron it.
  • Linen is more resistant to sunlight and high temperatures than cotton. Buy a linen blend, however, if you like your clothes crease-free
  • Denim is one of the most comfortable and cheapest materials around. It gives you lots of wear for your money — and grows in style with age.
  • Silk may be luxurious but it is also very durable and hard-wearing. It keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter.
  • Recently developed synthetics have many of the advantages of natural materials, such as comfort and strength. And many are much easier to clean.

When to splurge

Spend a little more on the essential ingredients of a basic wardrobe — they will repay you in more ways than one.

  • Good-quality shirts: Go for a simple, well-cut design in cotton or silk. It works well in the day with jeans or a casual skirt. At night, you can wear it with a slinky skirt or trousers. Wear it over a tank top or camisole for a summer jacket.
  • Quality mainstays: When buying tailored winter outfits, be prepared to pay more for good-quality items, particularly with jackets and tailored pants. Check that they are lined and well-finished.
  • Classic cuts: When you are buying good-quality clothes, you pay more, so you want them to last. On top of durability and look, seek out basic clothing with timeless styles.  They'll last longer than the latest trends.

Building your perfect wardrobe can be fun, simple and inexpensive. With the right eye and the right ideas, you can have a timeless and individual style without emptying your wallet.

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