Simple ways properly prepare and cook your catch

July 29, 2015

Fishing and crabbing are popular hobbies that almost anyone can enjoy. To make the hobby even more rewarding, you should know how to properly prepare your fish and shellfish for consumption. Here are some simple tips on preparing your catch.

Simple ways properly prepare and cook your catch

Preparing your catch

Fish should be killed, bled and put on ice immediately upon capture.

  1. Kill your catch with a sharp blow to the head; then bleed it by severing one or more gill arches with a knife.
  2. Keep it on ice and clean it within an hour or two.
  3. To clean a fish, first remove any scales with a scaler or the back of a knife by scraping the utensil from the tail to the head.
  4. Insert a sharp knife into the fish's anus and cut forwards to the gills, slitting open the belly (be careful not to cut open the stomach and other organs).
  5. Ease out the guts and gills with your hand, and remove the head.
  6. Rinse thoroughly under cold, running water.

Cooking fish

Fish can be poached, baked, steamed, grilled, barbecued, deep fried, pan fried, baked or microwaved. Whatever method you choose, keep in mind that fish can easily overcook and dry out.

  • Test whole fish at the thickest part by inserting a sharp knife to the bone; if done, the fish should flake easily but still be pinkish at the bone.
  • Fillets, cutlets and steaks should flake easily but not fall apart when tested with a knife or fork.
  • The simplest way to cook fish is to squeeze half a lemon over a fillet and place it on a lightly greased but very hot frying pan.
  • Cook on each side for a few minutes and serve.
  • To cook a fish whole, clean it then wrap it in aluminum foil together with sliced tomato, onions and lemon slices and place on a bed of hot coals.
  • Turn when the fish is soft and cook for a few more minutes.

Cooking shellfish

Before cooking, crabs should be killed by placing them in a freezer or by piercing the brain with a skewer.

  1. Place in boiling water until cooked, allow to cool and remove the gut section.
  2. The crab is now ready to eat.

Shrimp, prawns and freshwater crayfish should also be cooked in boiling water. Once cooled, the shells and heads can be removed and the flesh eaten.


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