Should I call in sick to work?

August 13, 2014

You woke up feeling ill, really ill. But you’re worried about taking a day to stay home. You’re not sure if you should call in sick to work. What should you do? The answer: Take the day off. Here's why.

Should I call in sick to work?

Here’s the scenario: You wake up not feeling well and exhaustion makes you dread the day ahead. You plow on anyway, because you know that sick days are looked down upon at work. Plus, the big report you worked on all weekend is due on the boss’s desk today, but your body feels heavy and achy and you’re starting to wonder if you have the flu. Should you call in sick to work? Here’s some information to help you make the right decision.

Explain to your boss

Don’t try to be a martyr. Tell your boss you weren’t sure if you should call in sick to work.

  • He or she will most likely tell you that going in while you’re sick won’t do anybody any good; you’re not going to be very productive if you’re feeling miserable.
  • Even more than that, the main factor to consider is that you could contaminate your coworkers.

Consult your doctor

It might be a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor to see if he or she can help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible.

  • Even if you’ve caught the flu, taking antiviral drugs within 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms can help reduce the risk of complications.
  • An ordinary flu usually gets better within a week or two, so if your symptoms persist or worsen, consult your doctor immediately.

Drink plenty of fluids

If you have a bad cold, drink lots of fluids. Water, juice and some homemade hot soup are just what the doctor ordered.

Pain relief

There are many over-the-counter products for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms. Ask the pharmacist what he or she recommends for the exact symptoms you have.

Keep the virus to yourself

Above all, you don’t want to infect your colleagues with the cold or flu virus.

  • If you were at work when the symptoms began to show up, use a disinfectant to wipe down your workstation.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, and if you cough, cover your mouth with your arm.
  • You can also arm yourself with a good hand sanitizer to keep with you when you’re in bed.

Get plenty of rest

There may be a lot of pressure to perform, but now is not the time to work from home or attend to all those little chores that you can never seem to get to – getting adequate rest will help your body recover and get strong.

The next time you’re feeling bad and wondering whether you should call in sick to work, be sure to take care of yourself as much as you always take care of others. You’ll get better faster!

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