Symptoms, causes and treatments for digestion problems

November 23, 2014

Digestive problems can appear in may different unpleasant ways. The good news is, you can get help through a variety of treatment options.
Your digestive system, being the sole provider of nutrients and energy for your body, is key to the well-being and function of every organ. The gut lining is a complex place. It's where nutrients are absorbed, threatening agents are accessed by the immune system and muscles are stretched to accommodate and move around food load. It's also home to 10 times more bacteria than the number of cells in your body.

To top it off, the gut is also highly innervated to ensure direct communication with your nervous system. It is no wonder that the stomach can feel upset at times. It is the epicentre of several tissues and physiological functions, all of which need to be kept happy.

Symptoms, causes and treatments for digestion problems

Symptoms of digestive problems

  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating

Causes of digestive problems

The above symptoms can often occur spontaneously, as a one off, or as a result of some questionable dinner options from the previous night. These might resolve on their own and not come back until another instance of poor food choices occurs. It is expected that your stomach will get upset several times throughout your life. However it is an entirely different story when this happens on a regular basis and in response to the same stimulus. In this instance, you might want to check yourself for the following:

  • Certain allergies that irritate your stomach
  • Chronic inflammation of the gut lining, such as in Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome
  • Ulcerations, such as those due to bacterial infection
  • Psychological stressors (remember, the gut is highly innervated)
  • Inappropriate acid reflux

Treatment for digestive problems

If you have any of the underlying conditions above, you should see a doctor and seek professional advice on how to move forward. In the meantime, try the following to relieve some of the symptoms:

  • Be mindful of the food you eat and opt for healthier, grease-free meals
  • Eat smaller meals at a slower pace
  • Abstain from coffee or other acidic beverages like alcohol
  • Stop taking medications that might irritate stomach lining
  • Relaxation techniques to relieve stress
  • Over-the-counter medication such as antacids

Stomach discomfort is very common and varies from person to person. That being said, getting help with digestion problems is not too difficult either. The best way to grasp your stomach issues is to keep track of what you eat and the circumstances under which your stomach gets upset. And be sure to talk to your doctor.

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