9 healthy grains you should try

October 9, 2015

Since prehistoric times, grain products have been one of the basic foodstuffs of agrarian societies. Here are nine different grains that are part of a healthy diet.

9 healthy grains you should try

1. Barley

Barley, a staple food in the Middle East, is known to North Americans mainly as a soup ingredient.

  • It has a somewhat sweet taste that makes it an interesting addition to casseroles, pilafs and salads.
  • Barley is a source of soluble fibre as well as B vitamins and minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

2. Bulgur

Bulgur is cracked and roasted whole-wheat kernels; it has a nutty flavour and can be used to make pilaf or stuffing.

  • Couscous is made from durum wheat, the hardest type, which contains the most gluten. It cooks fast and is light, making it a good choice for quick meals.
  • Wheat berries are the whole kernels of wheat and can be used as a cereal or in baked goods.

3. Corn and millet

Corn, or maize, and millet (an ancient grain of Asia and North Africa) are gluten-free; people with celiac disease can eat products made from them.

  • Millet is made into tasty flat breads and can also be used in pilaf or as a stuffing for vegetables.
  • Toasting millet in a dry skillet be­fore cooking adds a nutty flavour.

4. Kamut

Kamut is related to the wheat family, has more fibre and protein than many grains.

  • Its buttery flavour makes it great in salads.

5. Oats

Oats are used in breakfast cereals and baked goods.

  • Oat bran is high in soluble fibre, which can help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • It also helps the body utilize insulin more efficiently, an important asset in controlling diabetes.

6. Quinoa

Quinoa, an ancient grain, is lower in carbohydrate and higher in protein than most grains.

  • This fluffy grain is sold as whole grain or as pasta and is great in salads.
  • It is tolerated by people on gluten-free diets.

7. Rice

Rice is the staple food for about half the world's population.

  • Brown rice is preferable, because it is unrefined and high in B vitamins and fibre. It also has some calcium and phosphorus.
  • Long-grain brown rice is closer in taste to the refined white rice that most North Americans customarily eat.
  • Short-grain brown rice has a heartier texture and a nuttier flavour.
  • White rice is stripped of its outer layers and is mostly starch with a little protein; some types are fortified with thiamine.

8. Rye

Rye contains some gluten, which is the reason rye bread and pumpernickel breads tend to be heavy and moist.

9. Wheat

Wheat is one of the most widely consumed grains in the world.

  • If, during milling, the bran (outer husk) and germ (located at the base of the grain) are removed, the end product is less nutritious than if left whole.
  • Wholegrain wheat or wholewheat is a better choice, containing the bran as well as the germ of the wheat.
  • The germ of the wheat kernel is a concentrated source of many nutrients including B vitamins, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and fibre.

Grains are a nutritious part of a balanced diet. Keep these health benefits in mind and add more grains to your diet today.

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