4 facts for finding the right anti-wrinkle cream

October 5, 2015

Store shelves are lined with products that claim to remove wrinkles. Are they exaggerating or telling the truth? Here's some facts to help you find out.

4 facts for finding the right anti-wrinkle cream

1. Most simply moisturize, or take months

  • Anti-wrinkle creams reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but for noticeable results, you'll need a prescription.
  • The fact is, almost any moisturizing cream can make your skin look and feel good for a few hours.
  • Some anti-wrinkle creams do more, particularly those that contain the vitamin A derivatives in prescription products, known as retinoids.
  • They won't provide results overnight, but over the course of a few months, you may see an effect.

2. Look for vitamin A derivatives

  • Used since the 1960s to treat acne, vitamin A derivatives increase skin cell turnover.
  • Vitamin A derivatives also stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein in skin's connective tissue. Collagen boosts the strength and elasticity of skin.
  • In one study, sun-damaged skin treated for about a year with tretinoin had an 80 percent increase in collagen formation, compared to a 14 percent decrease in skin treated with a placebo cream.

3. The secret ingredient may be tretinoin

  • Studies show that tretinoin, the active ingredient in Retin-A, makes fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable.
  • Australian researchers studied a 0.05 percent concentration of Retin-A in people with sun-damaged skin.
  • The study also found that over 24 weeks, treated skin was less wrinkled, tighter and smoother.
  • Another study found that the use of a 0.02 percent cream over 24 weeks significantly improved fine wrinkles, coarse wrinkles and yellowing of the skin compared to a placebo cream.

4. For best results, consult your doctor

  • If you want results like those above, go to a dermatologist, not a drugstore.
  • Over-the-counter creams — even those containing retinols — may improve the health of your skin, but the changes are barely visible to the naked eye.
  • A 2006 study of a variety of creams found that after 12 weeks of use, even the best-performing creams reduced the average depth of wrinkles by less than 10 percent.
  • There was no correlation between the price of a product and its effectiveness.

Potions and lotions promising younger-looking skin do one thing well: generate profits for the companies that sell them. If you want to find a wrinkle cream that works for you, it's best to find a dermatologist first.

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