For history buffs and anyone interested in learning about the past, Edmonton is home to many museums, some you’ve probably never heard of. While we all know and love the Royal Alberta Museum, you may be pleasantly surprised by what these lesser-known museums in Edmonton have to offer. [Image credit:]
Whether you’re an avid collector or just an admirer of art, there are plenty of independent art galleries to browse through in Edmonton. Most of the city’s smaller art galleries are conveniently located on or near 124th Street, allowing for a lovely art walk whenever you’re in the heart of Edmonton’s arts district.
 Have you found yourself with your guy deciding where to order take-out from, both of you already accepting that you will be spending the night binge-watching Netflix? Do you want to plan something special for him? You may be surprised to know there are many man-friendly activities in the city that will appeal to him while still creating a great environment for the two of you to bond. [Image credit:]
Walk with me, fellow design geeks, to seek out Edmonton’s best architecture. We’ll explore shining glass pyramids nestled in the river valley and a 16th-century French castle perched high up on the banks. Let’s dip our toes in cool reflecting pools, follow the swerving metal curves of the art gallery and snap a pic under the perfect light of the city’s oldest marquee. [Image credit:]
Have date nights grown stale? Skip dinner and a movie, and add some excitement with these dating activities instead. Whether your budget is big or small, you and your honey will be able to find something fun to do.
If you’ve ever struggled for something to do on the weekend and you enjoy exploring Edmonton’s arts and culture scene, look no further!
If your weekend usually means more texts from your friends asking at which bar you’re planning on sitting around and drinking, maybe it’s time to switch it up. There are plenty of places around town to bond with your buds while keeping your heart rate up.
Sure, Friday night is date night, but what about getting together and catching up with your favourite girlfriends? Sometimes, afternoon tea or a quick bite to eat at lunch just doesn’t cut it. Sometimes, you want to get together and talk, laugh, eat and drink - and really, you need a whole night to do that. There are plenty of great places in Edmonton to enjoy a lovely evening with friends.
Once a purely industrial zone, today Edmonton plays host to a rapidly growing cultural scene. As creative types continue to establish 124th Street as “Gallery Row,” several undiscovered galleries are cropping up elsewhere around town. Here’s a look at some of the city’s hidden gems.
Edmonton's arts and culture scene is ever-growing, with touring artists noting it as a worthy stop for more than just country and western shows, and galleries sprouting up throughout the once-industrial city. Whether located amid its peers on 124th Street (dubbed Gallery Row) or scattered elsewhere around town, these contemporary art galleries are sure to impress.
There are so many options of what to do in Edmonton, especially if you are a food lover. Maybe you want to master a new foodie skill, try out some amazing dishes, or learn about wine and food pairings? There are plenty of fun ways to fill your schedule with exciting foodie events in Edmonton.
Museums offer a glimpse of history – through archives, artifacts, displays and photography – that cannot be found anywhere else. Whether you’re interested in learning more about Alberta’s oil industry roots, the province’s aviation history or the background of some of Edmonton’s most prominent citizens, there is a museum to quench your thirst for knowledge.
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