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Business listings in Lake Isle supplies comprehensive contact listings for in and around the Lake Isle, Alberta area. With the most comprehensive database of businesses anywhere in Canada, Yellow Pages will get you there quicker. If you’re near Lake Isle, discover new independently reviewed companies close to home, with .
To have the perfect dining experience, there has to be a balance of quality food, impeccable service and an inviting atmosphere. The restaurants listed below have hit at least one of these must-haves completely out of the park. When it comes to a warm, welcoming dining environment, they will not disappoint. And, don’t worry, we’re confident they’ve got the other elements in the bag too! [Photo: Hardware Grill]
Canada Day takes place on a Friday in 2016, so take advantage and stay up for the traditional fireworks show that happens over the gorgeous North Saskatchewan River. Celebrate Canada’s birthday with a pint or two, and a bite to eat at these Edmonton restaurants, all with great views of or close proximity to the 11 p.m. fireworks spectacular. [Image credit:]
We all get that feeling – the one that there aren’t enough hours in the day. You get up, go to work, plan your meals, run errands and, by the time you finally sit down, you can’t even bare the thought of doing one more thing. Well, what if I told you that you didn’t have to? These Edmonton businesses can fill in the gaps, giving you more time to do the one thing you NEED to do: Nothing! [Image credit: Arnau]