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With temperatures dipping, the need to be as warm and comfortable as possible is strong, whether you spend most of your time indoors or venturing out into the fall (or winter!) chill. These stores have everything you need to create a cozy cocoon of warmth, whether it’s through outfitting your living space with enough blankets and throw pillows to build a fort or adding to your knitted scarf and toque collection.
The outdoor farmers' market season ends in fall, but there are plenty of indoor markets available year-round. These farmers' markets are home to some of the tastiest vegan delights around - if you can't find them in winter, mark your calendars for May, when all the local farmers' markets are back in bloom.
Edmonton’s winter months can get a little chilly - there’s no doubt about it and definitely no way around it. Embrace the cold with a hot bowl of noodle soup, a staple food group for local food blogger Cindy Nguyen (Let’s Om Nom). Slurp your way around Edmonton with some of her favourite bowls.