John Vanthof
MPP for Timiskaming-Cochrane

Being the Member of Provincial Parliament for Timiskaming Cochrane is a big change from my previous job. My wife and I have been full time dairy farmers in Earlton for the last 30 years. Some things about the jobs are the same; I go to work early and I don’t quit until the job is done.
For years I have spent my free time helping to fight for issues that were important to Northerners and together we have fought some tough battles. Now, I have been given the opportunity to speak on your behalf as the Member of Provincial Parliament and I pledge to treat this position with the utmost respect that it deserves and to be your voice in parliament.
My motto when faced with hard issues has always been to surround myself with team players and then motivate them to perform at their peak. That has not changed. My staff members are the front line of the local team and I urge you to contact them with your concerns. My caucus colleagues are part of the provincial team, on which I am Agricultural Critic, and I rely on them to help with issues in which they have more experience.
Together, we will ensure that you have access to all provincial services available and we will stand up for you when legislation needs to be changed. Feel free to contact us with your concerns and be assured that we will do everything in our power to “Put People First”.