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We provide psychological & counselling services to adults, couples, and families.


Monday 9am-5pm

Tuesday 9am-5pm

Wednesday 9am-5pm

Thursday 9am-5pm

Friday 9am-5pm

Some early evening appointments are available


219 Main Street West

(Main Floor)

Hamilton, ON L8P 1J4

Office interior 177 Charlton Ave W.jpeg
Office exterior 177 Charlton Ave W..jpeg

Dr. Lisa Bourque, C. Psych.

We are a group of psychologists with extensive and specialized experience in the evidence-based treatment of cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT). The individuals we see have a range of concerns from situational problems to complex comorbid conditions.

We offer indiviudal, couples, and family counselling using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is an evidenced-based psychological therapy. It has been found to be most effective form of treatment for a number of problems including mood, anxiety, pain disorders, and sleeping disorders.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of treatment that focuses on examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings and behaviors. By examining patterns of thinking that lead to problematic behaviors and the beliefs that underlie these thoughts, people with problems can modify their patterns of thinking and behaving to improve their coping skills.

CBT is an active intervention, and thus, clients can also expect to do homework or test out and practice strategies outside of sessions as part of homework. Through this process, one can develop a sense of control over their symptoms so they no longer feel controlled by them.

In CBT, the therapist and the client will actively work together to help the client recover from their problems.

Clients who are receiving CBT can expect their therapist to be problem-focused, and goal-directed in addressing the challenging symptoms of their disorder. 

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