Boxes of all kinds, Bubble Cushion Protector, Wardrobe Containers Heavy Duty Mattress Bags Clean White Wrap
Acid Free Tissue etc etc Midtown Central Location For Quality Products Discounted Pricing Free Parking & Free delivery
It pays to shop at the Box Spot
It’s rare to find someone who actually enjoys the process of moving. It’s messy, stressful and signifies a major transitional point in life that’s marked by chaos and upheaval. And that’s not even factoring in the preparation beforehand, which takes longer than the moving process itself: countless hours each day spent tucking personal belongings into boxes, identifying and organizing those boxes, and trying to maintain some semblance of normal life in the midst of it all. When you get a move that’s a bit last-minute, then the worry of finding good boxes and packing materials in a hurry can add to this stress.
But thanks to Jackie Cowan and Garth Smith, the sister-and-brother duo who own The Box Spot, the process has gotten a whole lot easier. They provide boxes and packing/wrapping materials designed to make the moving process as stress-free as possible, as well as offer preassembled moving kits based on the type of move a person’s making.
“The retail part started when it became difficult to find clean, corrugated products when people were packing up,” says Jackie. “If you go to the grocery store, you wind up with boxes that, you know, have bits of food in them … so we guarantee our products such that everything is brand-new. It’s clean, there’s no issue like that whatsoever.”
Dropped into this store to pack a return package to Amazon. No problem, one of the staff took it right out of my hands, packed it beautifully so that I could take it right away to be mailed. No charge. Thank you Box Store. Customer service does not get any better.