Frou Frou Vintage
1616 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6R 1A8
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Meet the owner

Some fashion fiends revel in the luxury of a walk-in closet. For Matthew Morad, his passion for fashion started a whole storefront. “I was collecting things for me personally and my collection grew and grew,” he says. “It became so overwhelming that I had to open up a store.”

In 2005, Matthew packed up his closet and set up Frou Frou Vintage on Parkdale’s Queen St. West. While his personality might be a little reserved, his full character is revealed by the sophistication and allure of his handpicked collection. Frou Frou Vintage is a vintage-hunter’s trophy prize whose collection is arguably unparalleled in Toronto. From the authentic 1940s mannequin in the window displaying a double-knit black wool dress and white fur-trimmed bolero jacket by Lillie Rubin to the matching set of art deco biba lamps of women in deep backbends holding glowing white globes, Frou Frou Vintage is a treasure chest of fashion relics.

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