Everywhere Maps & Globes
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Meet the owner

For someone like Jack Horton, who is profoundly passionate about geography, international politics and travel, opening up a maps store seems like a dream come true. And for this entrepreneur, it really is. "It is an endeavour that combines everything I have the most interest in, and not many people can say that about their work," Jack says.

"I hail from London, United Kingdom, where I studied geography to a high level of education; it has been a passion for me for quite some time now. In my early 20s, I embarked upon a trip around the world, which brought me to many interesting places. In the jungles of Sumatra, I met this very charming Canadian woman from Ottawa, who became my girlfriend, then my wife and the mother of my children. We went back to London for a while, and eventually, decided to give Toronto a try; we've been here ever since," says Jack.

Eager to launch a business here, Jack opened Everywhere Maps and Globes in 2008 as a way to put his passions to work. "We launched at the beginning of the financial meltdown, which has been a bit stressful. But I've enjoyed a steady support from my clientele and from businesses from all over the world; the mapping industry is consistently growing, against all odds."

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