Welcome to the Flett Research Home PageFlett Research Ltd. is an environmental laboratory and consulting firm in Winnipeg, Manitob,a Canada. Founded in 1978 by Dr. Robert Flett (PhD), the company specializes in the analysis of mercury and environmental radioisotopes. We have supplied services to clients from North and South Americ,a Europe and Asia. MERCURYOur specialized clean lab and highly sensitive equipment allow us to analyze ultratrace levels of mercury (Hg), including both total and methyl mercury, in a wide array of environmental samples (water, sediments, plant/animal tissues, hair, ambient air etc.).Typical method detection limits in 100 mL of water are ~0.04 ng/L for total mercury and ~0.02 ng/L for methyl mercury.Learn more about Flett Research's mercury capabilities including our methods, quality control, sampling instructions, analytical prices and quantitation limits on ourRADIOISOTOPESCore Dating:Lead-210 ( Pb-210 ), Cesium-137 ( Cs-137 ) and Radium-226 ( Ra-226 ) are the environmental radioisotopes that we analyze most frequently, primarily for the purpose of dating sediment cores.The dating of sediment cores by the Pb-210 method can be used to determine the sediment accumulation rate for a body of water and the age of the sediments at a particular depth can be inferredmore...See more text