Tired of the sweaty city? Then it’s time to get out and enjoy the fresh air of the great outdoors. When you’re looking for gear for a weekend in the woods, be sure to stop by these great outdoor stores. They’ll help turn your wilderness adventure into a truly enjoyable experience.
Ladies, leave your men at home! There’s nothing like a good night with the girls. Grab your girlfriends and head to these seven hotspots for a girls’ night out to remember.
When dessert time comes around, Montrealers go through the ultimate debate – cookies or ice cream. It was only a matter of time before a genius put the two together and created the ice cream sandwich. Try the ice cream sandwiches from one of these Montreal shops.
Students all know that when it comes time for finals, stress levels can be quite elevated. Most Montreal students turn to coffee when the going gets rough, but another alternative is to grab a relaxing beer with friends. Take a study break at these Montreal student pubs.
So, you’ve got 30 minutes before your next meeting and you’re starving. With so many options to grab a bite in Montreal, it can be overwhelming to pick a lunch spot, and with the clock ticking, there’s not much time to consider your options. We’re here to help with a few quick lunch options where the food is sure to satisfy.
If you’ve lived in Montreal long enough, chances are you’ve craved a steamy, or “steamé” in bon Québecois. Sure, many Montrealers can probably tell you where the nearest Belle Pro is located at any given time, but when you’re looking for the classic snack, these mom-and-pop shops have got you covered.
If you’re like most people, you need your daily caffeine fix. But when it’s sweltering outside, a piping hot cup of coffee starts to lose its appeal. Enter the perfect solution: iced coffee! To cool off on a hot summer day, get your chilled caffeine from one of these fine Montreal cafés.
Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that tartare has become a French food staple in many restaurants here. Whether you prefer beef, tuna, salmon or even bison, check out this list and try one (or more!) of our favourite tartare restaurants in Montreal.
The health benefits of climbing are many. It’s great for your cardiovascular health, tones your muscles and burns plenty of calories to help you lose weight, not to mention that it is super fun and challenging. Lucky for Montrealers, the city is full of facilities with indoor walls to keep us reaching for the top.
Hailing from the Middle East, Falafel are vegetarian balls of goodness comprised of ground chickpeas, onions, garlic, parsley, cumin and chilies, then deep-fried for good measure. Fortunately, Montreal has some of the best falafel joints in the country thanks to its large and diverse Middle Eastern population.
Montreal is a vibrant city for tourists thanks to its nightlife and city attractions, so it’s no surprise that there are many hotels around the city. Many of these hotels are an experience on their own and host their own food and nightlife scenes. Whether you are in town for a few days, or a local Montrealer, grab a drink at one of these hotel bars.
Montrealers take few things as seriously as they do their smoked meat. There are many places around the city where you can get your guaranteed fix. Here are some of our favourite smoked meat joints in Montreal.
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