If your workouts are few and far in between, you're likely no stranger muscle soreness. These home remedies should get you up and running again.
July 29, 2015
If your workouts are few and far in between, you're likely no stranger muscle soreness. These home remedies should get you up and running again.
Are you limiting your workouts to the weekend? Then you've probably learned that infrequent physical exertion often reaps its revenge the following day in the form of sore, stiff muscles.
Achy muscles are a harmless but unpleasant phenomenon that usually disappears by itself after a few days, and is best alleviated through heat applications. If you train regularly and feel fit, you're not likely to suffer unduly from this malady. But muscle cramps can also be due to overload, or other causes such as circulatory disorders or a mineral deficiency.
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